Size : 160 x 160 x 135 mm
經文名稱 數量約為(遍)
1. 四皈依 3000
2. 攝受自在祈請文 200
3. 文殊菩薩心咒 8600
4. 觀音菩薩心咒 8600
5. 金剛手菩薩心咒 8800
6. 金剛薩埵心咒 9600
7. 百字明咒 600
8. 十一面觀音心咒 600
9. 蓮花生大士心咒 4800
10. 普巴金剛真言 4600
11. 般若波羅密多真言 3400
12. 釋迦牟尼佛心咒 4800
13. 阿彌陀佛心咒 9000
14. 長壽佛心咒 2800
15. 藥師佛心咒 2600
16. 綠度母心咒 6600
17. 黃財神咒 6000
18. 大白傘蓋佛母短咒 4000
19. 加持咒1 , 3000
20. 加持咒2, 1800
21. 回向文 600
Turning the prayer wheel is famous for purifying evil karma and accumulating merit.
The scripture says: "Turning the prayer wheel is a special method for benefiting all living beings in the Dharma-ending period. The merit of turning the prayer wheel once is like seeing a thousand Buddhas.
"Jing Yiyun: "Anyone who makes offerings or replaces the prayer cloth of the prayer wheel can get beautiful clothes for five hundred lives, and the prayer wheel can purify all strange diseases and obstacles of evil spirits.